Have a question?
We are ready to answer!
What is Open Studio?
Open Studio is unstructured time when you can come in, pick a project to do and work at your own leisure and pace. We offer canvas paintings, wood projects, ceramic pieces, and creation station. Open Studio is pay by the project, and it includes all supplies needed.
Can I bring my own supplies and just rent studio time?
Yes, we are happy to provide studio space for you to work. Contact us to arrange details and rental fees.
What kind of paint do you use on the pottery?
We offer both acrylic paint and low & mid-fire glazes. Acrylic paint is perfect for those who want to take their projects home with them immediately. Glazes require the project be left with us for the firing process and picked up at a later date.
**Acrylic paint is NOT food or liquid safe and not recommended for items used for these purposes.**
What is the cost to use glazes or have a piece fired?
The cost is the studio price + a $10 firing fee (up to 5 pieces of pottery). So what does that mean? If you come in for Open Studio and pick 1 piece of bisque pottery or you pick 5 pieces of bisque pottery, you will still only pay a flat $10 fire fee (up to 5 pieces of pottery). If you have more than 5 pieces, an additional $10 firing fee will be assessed. If you are with a group, the firing fee can be divided among your group. If you are a local potter looking for kiln services, please send us an email to discuss your firing needs.
What are all these fancy pottery words?
Bisque: This is a piece of clay pottery that has been fired in a kiln to make it hard and stronger. Our pieces available for Open Studio are bisque items. Glaze: This is like painting for pottery. Glaze has color and tiny particles of glass mixed in and when fired in the kiln the glass melts and fuses together adding another level of strength to the ceramic piece. Kiln: A really hot oven like machine that heats up really really hot for bisque and glazing items.
How long does it take until my pottery is ready?
When you finish glazing your ceramic, you will leave it with us to fire in the kiln. We ask that you allow us 7-10 days depending on how busy our kiln is, however, we usually have most pieces available within 7 days. When you build with clay, the process is a bit longer. Fresh clay requires at least 10 days. Once it is bone dry, we fire it for a bisque firing. This can take 1-2 days. Then you are contacted to come in to glaze your item and leave for glaze firing. Glaze firing can take anywhere from 3-7 days depending on item volume.
What if my pottery breaks or doesn't come out the way I want?
The act of creating ceramic pottery is one of wonder. The very nature of this art form can be unpredictable. We do everything in our power to help ensure your pottery pieces are properly cared for. With that said, sometimes the Clay & Kiln gods have minds of their own. Clay sometimes breaks or even explodes in the drying and bisquing processes and sometimes glazing results are not exactly what we had in mind. When this happens, we try all our tricks and tips to ensure your piece is as close to what you envisioned. We never want you to leave feeling unhappy about your piece, so we will always try and solve the issue.
What size canvases do you offer for canvas painting?
We offer 16x20, 11x14 and 8x10 sized canvases.
If your project requires a unique sized canvas, you are welcomed to bring your own or contact us for pricing of a custom size.
Can we host an event outside regular studio hours?
Yes! We can arrange an event before or after hours. We charge a small convenience fee for this accommodation.
Can we have a special event at your studio?
YES! We love special events. We can host your birthday party, bridal shower, team parties, work gathering, etc. Message us for more details.
Are you a BYOB facility?
Yes, you may bring your own beverage to your event. We do not sell, serve or store your beverages (alcoholic or non-alcoholic). We do not provide cups or corkscrews. We do reserve the right to monitor the behavior of our participants so that everyone has a safe and pleasant experience. Please consume responsibly.
What should I wear?
We use acrylic paints most of the time and while they are forgiving on the canvas, they are not forgiving on your clothes. We provide aprons for your convenience, but we also advise you to be mindful of the activity when selecting your wardrobe.
What ages do you accommodate?
We are an all age facility. We do our best to put recommended ages on our classes and events, but all ages are welcomed during Open Studio because we believe that art is for everyone.
Do I have to sign up in advance or can I drop in for a class or workshop?
Certain events and workshops require advanced registration in order for our instructors to prepare the materials. Please check the event or activity listing for further details.
Do you offer fundraising opportunities?
Yes, we love supporting our community and provide groups, schools, teams, etc the opportunity to schedule a spirit night where they can earn up to 20% of sales during their spirit night.